It's almost last orders for this table, with the new one being delivered on Monday. Todays expense was £235 for the plumber to fix in the new loo downstairs, thanks to the old one springing a leak. Frankly, of all the things to leak, the loo is the last one I'd choose, so off went to B&Q and got a takeaway loo for £70. From the users point of view, it's a bit more figure-hugging than the old one, but it's got a dual-flush thingy, so we don't waste so much water. We got totally fed up with the draft roaring through the back door today, so we've bought a new back door. The salesman started off at £1200, but that lasted about 20 seconds before he rapidly came down to £900, and then much more slowly to £700 at which point we gave in and said yes. It'll have a cat flap, so Tipper will have no more excuses for peeing all over the floor.